The primary reason for having a calendar is to organize the days, weeks, months and years. It keeps a track of which day of the week events fall and when special events are going to happen. Historically speaking calendars were often uses to preserve religious holidays and events.
Saddle stitch is when single sheets of paper are printed on both sides, collated in page number order, folded in half and then stapled through the fold by a saddle stitch stapler. Saddle stitch binding is one of the most common binding methods for booklet manufacturing
Binding a notebook or booklet, in which the pages are fastened together by a spiral of wire or plastic that coils through a series of holes punched along one side of each page and the front and back covers.
Wire–O Binding, also known as Twin Loop, Double-Loop, Double-O, Duo-Wire, or simply Wire Binding, is a popular method for joining the pages and cover of a bound document. … The Wire–O binding method utilizes pre-formed pairs of wire loops that run along a C-shaped unit.
Size matters.
Page sizes
8.5" x 11" & 12 x 12"
Drilled holes on each calendar
Custom Size
Custom sizes are available by request